Modern Kenjutsu: Hidden Grove Dojo
This program is Geared either towards Kickboxing/Point Fighting OR MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) Competitions

Both Programs cover All the basics of Striking and kicking, Fitness(power/conditioning), and the techniques relevant to your sport.

Sport fighting covers Tae kwon do(WTF rules), American karate Point fighting, Or American Kickboxing.

The MMA fighting is Geared towards UFC style rules, and covers Stand-up and ground fighting. (previous experience preferred but not required)

The philosophy behind the teaching style for both of these programs is skill and power, not endurance. Endurance is covered, But you are not being trained simply to attempt to outlast your opponent, you are training to:

  • score points
  • knock them out
  • put them in a submission
  • Raw Power(for your size)
  • Technique

Practice in application against resisting partners is given priority.