Kevin Kime Software Development initially was a static marketing materials only website. We converted it to a custom CMS using initially Classic ASP 3.0 and then to ASP.NET 3.5 (using C# in the code behind.) Today is Concorde’s primary portal for the majority of the services that we provide. It is hosted on a full Microsoft stack (Windows 2003, IIS, SQL 2000.) We used an Agile development style for work on this website. To ensure the speed of the website we used Ajax calls to WCF Services for several of the user interface components.

Role: Architect/Principle Developer. I designed the majority of the feature sets on the CMS driven website including the Content Management System, cross-site logins and database. Depending on the scope of the features within a development cycle I would bring on other developers or graphic designers as needed.

Total Developers to date: 4
Languages used: Classic ASP, VBScript, ASP.Net, C#, HTML, JavaScript, XML
Database: SQL 2000